Friday 7 December 2012


Don't we just love a bit of (positive) change? Change of atmosphere, clothing, colour, food, house...Some love it more than others. Of course, then there are the odd few who hate it, like my mother. She has come to a solid conclusion that change brings stress, even if it is moving the TV set from one corner of the room to another...hmm...well, for me change is a tool of survival. I love it! 
So, for the past few weeks I kept myself busy decorating my room Smiley Face.  It went from being a clutter filled, claustrophobic, colour clashing abode to a soothing sanctuary. Oh and it wasn't easy to bring about that change; I scrubbed and painted and waltzed with the paint brush.. moved furniture, cried, painted a little more then cried again- haha! but alhamdulilah, got through it and I would definitely do it again, sometime soon (maybe in 30 years time)!



Yes, I  sanded, primed and painted ALL my furniture...

                                                                 My wall of Frame cool hot sunglasses smiley face

Love and pink roses!


  1. hmmm Miss Eliy you do have a lot of time on your hand ...dont ya ;)

  2. LOL I get bored easily, you see, miss anonymous ;)

  3. Im actually impressed :s
