Wednesday 23 January 2013

Let's Learn Some Tajweed..

Let's us talk about Makharij!

Makharij means the place in your mouth from which sounds of letters come from.
You have to be very careful when saying letters which sound the same. For example, the letter ث  and the letter ذ  have a similar articulation point. In order to achieve the correct sound of letters you will need to know where the letter should come from and this may require fidgeting with your tongue slightly.

Below I have put together letters which have similar articulation points.

1) Throat Letters

So, there are 3 parts to the throat
خ and غ come from the uppermost part of the throat.
ح and ع come from the middle point of the throat.
هـ and ء come from the lowest part of the throat.

Basically, these letters are said from the throat without the use of the tongue, i.e. the tongue sits patiently at the bottom of the mouth. (if that makes sense). 
I have, yet, to find the real equivalent for the letters غ ,خ ع هـ (maybe, french or spanish has the corresponding sounds for these letters..hmm)
  • خ (kha) = can sound similar to a water gurgling sound or maybe a light snoring sound (im not sure if im allowed to refer to an arabic letter to the sound of snoring confused smiley) okay, we know (from lesson 1) this is a heavy letter, so dont forget, when you are attempting the 'gurgles' or 'snores' to make it heavy.
  • غ (gha) = no english word begins with the sound of this letter, unfortunately, so i guess you will have to work your throat thumbs up fun, fun, fun! p.s. this is also a heavy letter...
  • ع ('ayn) = may need to put pressure with thumb on vocal cords - its a very difficult letter, I must say. maybe tighten the throat?thinking...  if you've ever heard Arabs speaking and wondered what that peculiar sound was, well it's the notorious 'ayn! 
  • ح (ha) = ahh finally, an easy one, err..kinda.. it sounds like the first letter in the word 'hungry' BUT with more air flowing out. 
  • هـ = 'hello' BUT the 'h' is deep.. said in a manly tone. 

It's a Wrap!
I advice you go and have a 'hear' on YouTube as it will definitely be of benefit... i will be back to continue with the remaining letters soon, inshaAllah..

Love and Letters,

Thursday 17 January 2013

Glorious Colour...

As-salaamu 'alaikum!

How are my dear blogsters? I'm so sorry for being away from my blog but I've been so busy conjuring up a new 'dish of dresses' -yum yum and im too excited Facebook Chat Emoticons, Smileys, Smiley Faces Codes List on Facebook Tags Pictures It involves a lot of satin, silks, chiffons and splashes of COLOUR. We know that matching is a big NO no... So, the more mismatching an outfit the more fashionable it looks. Green hijaab, blue dress, mustard leggings, fuscia heels and red lips = getting carried away, definitely for a muslimah. 
Below two colours were combined together to create the perfect colourful dress! As this dress ends a few inches above the ankles you could wear a pair of blue leggings under it or even black if you wish to tone it down a bit.

InshaAllah, I will be finishing my colourful project soon, but in the meantime if you guys have some colour combinations that you would like to share then please do so.

Love and Colour

Thursday 10 January 2013

Raising Money And Having Fun

My idea of fun in winter is spending time in front of the fire place. Eating lots of chocolate. Watching my favourite show - the Middle (I am so addicted that I can watch it over and over again!) in my fluffy dressing gown. So, when I was asked by a friend to attend a 'Fun Day' taking place on Saturday, the first thing that came into my mind was, brrr!
I know a lot of people who go out, love activities, make snowmen, have snow fights, some even go for walks just so they can feel the cold air hitting their face - seriously!
But, this fun day is a little different. It's a fun day which will not ONLY put a smile on our children's faces when they are jumping on the bouncy castle or when they are eating fresh creamy cupcakes or when they are happily running around after having their faces painted, BUT it will help raise money for those who have suffered so much in the last few months- OUR children of Gaza.
Will I be given up my fluffy dressing gown to put a smile on my brothers and sisters in Gaza? Hell yeah!

Love and Smiles all round!

Wednesday 9 January 2013

An Almond A Day... Keeps The Brain Awake!

The truth is, I totally forgot that I had embarked on this blog journey! haha how funny and forgetful of me. apologies. But surely, I'm not the only one who has fallen under the forgetful spell.
Anyway, I would like to share some fruity beneficial knowledge I came across this morning.

Fruit for Breakfast, Five Benefits

1. Between the hours of 7-11am the body is doing the heaviest detoxification, so eating fruits, specifically at this time, ensures healing energy is used for detoxification rather than wasted on digesting heavy fatty foods. 

2. Fruit for breakfast is the perfect way to break the overnight fast as it gently wakes the digestive system and metabolism up from a semi slumber, all without the harsh adrenal jolt of a coffee or fatty meal.
3. Fruit for breakfast promotes nice fluffy fruity floaters, in other words - large satisfying bowel movements! The fruit fibre cleans the colon like a broom, leaving you feeling light, refreshed and ready to go. 

4. If you eat enough fruit for breakfast you will not require a coffee as the natural fruit sugars keep the brain sharp and energised. 

5. People who eat fruit only for breakfast have been shown to be leaner, healthier and more productive during their day.

Love, fruit and almonds ;)