Thursday 10 January 2013

Raising Money And Having Fun

My idea of fun in winter is spending time in front of the fire place. Eating lots of chocolate. Watching my favourite show - the Middle (I am so addicted that I can watch it over and over again!) in my fluffy dressing gown. So, when I was asked by a friend to attend a 'Fun Day' taking place on Saturday, the first thing that came into my mind was, brrr!
I know a lot of people who go out, love activities, make snowmen, have snow fights, some even go for walks just so they can feel the cold air hitting their face - seriously!
But, this fun day is a little different. It's a fun day which will not ONLY put a smile on our children's faces when they are jumping on the bouncy castle or when they are eating fresh creamy cupcakes or when they are happily running around after having their faces painted, BUT it will help raise money for those who have suffered so much in the last few months- OUR children of Gaza.
Will I be given up my fluffy dressing gown to put a smile on my brothers and sisters in Gaza? Hell yeah!

Love and Smiles all round!

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